Bedbug fumigation in Fulham SW6

Bedbug fumigation in Fulham SW6

Insect pests are a big part of our work and one that customers are usually keen to rid themselves of quickly. This was certainly the case with a recent job of bedbug fumigation in Fulham SW6.
We were called out to a flat in a lovely riverside area. The couple that lived there had been suffering long term problems at night. Often they work up with itching skin, covered in small marks and lesions. At first they had been unsure as to the cause, but had used the internet to determine that they probably had a problem with bedbugs.
A quick look around the property confirmed their suspicions and we set to work using our usual methods of fumigation. It is very important when attacking a bedbug infestation to not only disinfest the bed clothes but any nearby soft furnishings or fabrics. Curtains, clothes, even tablecloths can become infested too. It is also essential to ensure that all hidden nooks and crannies in the flat are also thoroughly disinfested. Wardrobes and cupboards are typical spots for unnoticed eggs to remain. As their gestation period is very short, if any eggs are left after the treatment, major re-infestation can occur again very quickly.
The couple went out for a walk while we thoroughly fumigated their entire flat, which took several hours. They arrived back as we were ventilating, with windows open, to remove any pesticides remaining in the air. From that day on, they were able to sleep in peace!

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